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Fino Jarana Emilio Lustau

Fino Jarana Emilio Lustau

Made from grapes surrounding the southern Spanish town of Jerez, Fino is the palest and driest of all sherries. Made to drink young as an aperitif or as an accompaniment to tapas dishes, it has a refreshing, salty tang and shows notes of toasted almonds.

"Pale, fine and very dry - a classic Fino, made by renowned sherry producer Emilio Lustau."

  • Palomino Fino
  • ABV 15.0%
  • Drink now
    1044 - 1044
  • Dry


Spanish Wine

Spanish wine has never been so exciting, as a new generation of dynamic wine producers pushes the boundaries. Moving away from bulk production that blighted its reputation, Spain is now focusing on quality and regional style. Rioja is no longer the lone jewel in Spain’s crown, nor is the Tempranillo grape the only darling of Spanish winemakers, for today there is a dizzying array of wine regions, wine styles and grape varieties in the fray...

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