Château Marsyas is an extraordinary venture, created in 2005 by the Saadé family in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley. The estate spans 55 hectares of prime, high-altitude vineyard land at the foot of Mt Barouk. Marsyas refers to the ancient name for Lebanon’s Beqaa Valley, cited by both Strabo (an ancient Greek geographer and philosopher) and Pliny the Elder (Roman Author, Philosopher and naval commander).
"Château Marsyas champions the exceptional terroir of Lebanon’s Beqaa Valley. Classically structured with dark berries, rum and raisin, and cracked pepper.
Cabernet Sauvignon / Syrah / Cabernet Franc / Petit Verdot
ABV 15.0%
Drink now 2017 - 2025
“Unusually spicy nose. Sweet start and then gloriously off the beaten track with animal and spicy notes. Then gritty tannins on the end but masses of fruit. Really interesting!...”