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Domaine François Carillon has proven to be not only a worthy successor to the much-loved wines of François’ father, Louis Carillon, but one of the most exciting producers in Puligny-Montrachet today

Francois Carillon

The domaine, which sits in the very centre of the village of Puligny-Montrachet, was established following the retirement of François’ father, the highly regarded Louis Carillon, whose vineyards were divided between François and his brother Jacques.

The family has made wine in Puligny since the 16th century.  François is the 16th generation of Carillons in Puligny-Montrachet.

François started working with his father in 1988 and was responsible for the vineyards.

We have been the domaine’s exclusive UK agent since the inaugural 2010 vintage.  2021 is their 12th vintage.

The Vineyards


The vineyards were always François' responsibility at his father's domaine. 

The 6.5 hectares currently in production are farmed to lutte integrée principles; that is organically, but with the option to treat the vines if the circumstances demand it. No weed-killers are used, just ploughing, either by horse or tractor, and a mushroom-based top-dressing. 

Production is controlled from the outset with a strict pruning regime, followed by de-budding, the vines trained to optimise photosynthesis. The small, dedicated, dynamic team is driven by respect for the vineyard. The estate currently spans Chassagne-Montrachet Premiers Crus, Puligny Premiers Crus, Village Puligny Montrachet and generic Bourgogne. 

Vineyard Holdings                                                     Average vine age in 2021 soil (years)

Bourgogne Chardonnay                                               38 to 60+ Clay

Bourgogne Aligoté                                                         60+ Clay

Saint-Aubin 1er Cru Les Pitangerets                           15

Saint-Aubin 1er Cru Le Charmois                                20+ Pebbles

Saint-Aubin 1er Cru Murgers des Dents de Chien    35 Limestone, stony

Puligny-Montrachet                                                        20 to 50+ Clay-limestone

Puligny-Montrachet Les Ensegnières                           57 Clay-limestone

Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Champs Gains        50+ Clay-limestone-pebbles

Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Folatières                 50+ Clay-limestone-pebbles

Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Combettes               28 Clay-limestone-pebbles

Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Perrières                   50+ Clay-limestone-pebbles

Chassagne-Montrachet 1er Cru Clos Saint-Jean          20 Clay-limestone

Chassagne-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Macherelles        17 to 50+ Clay-limestone


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