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Stepping into St-Emilion Mixed Case

Stepping into St-Emilion Mixed Case

At C&B we are Merlot mad. With so many great estates to choose from busting the bank on complete cases can sometimes be a nightmare. To help combat this we’ve put together this spectacular St-Emilion mixed case. St-Emilion is synonymous with high quality Merlot-dominant reds, typically rich and structured, with herbaceous elegance from Caberenet Franc and an idiosyncratic suaveness. We’ve bundled together four of our favourites to help scratch that St-Emilion itch. Annonce de Belair-Monange, second wine of the eponymous Moueix family flagship, is a close neighbour of Clos La Madeleine, whilst Peter Sisseck’s majestic Rocheyron and the tiny Clos St-Martin make for a brilliant overview of the commune.

The case of 4 wines contains:

1 x Annonce de Belair-Monange Grand Cru St-Emilion 2016
1 x Clos La Madeleine Grand Cru Classe St-Emilion 2017
1 x Chateau Rocheyron Grand Cru St-Emilion 2014
1 x Clos St-Martin Grand Cru Classe St-Emilion 2017

"A delicious case of Merlot dominant reds from the famous right bank commune - St Emilion. This case brings together four amazing quality wines from four excellent wine producers. Order this unique case today."


Bordeaux Wine

Today's Bordeaux' wines retain a certain stoical classicism, whilst meeting more modern expectations of accessibility. 
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