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Corney and Barrow

Bumblebee Conservation Trust

Corney & Barrow is proud to support the pollinators as an official Business Member of the Bumblebee Conservation Trust.

Mixed Cases

As an ongoing supporter of the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, we have created two mixed cases as part of our continued support. With each case sold, we will donate money to the Trust: £10 donation with every time a six-bottle case is purchased and a £20 donation with every 12-bottle case sold. All of the wines included are organic and therefore bee-friendly, so you can rest assured that we are doing all we can to assist our fuzzy friends!

The Bumblebee 6 Bottle Mixed Case

The Bumblebee 6 Bottle Mixed Case

In partnership with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, we have created this special mixed case containing 6 organic and therefore bee-friendly wines. This selection includes some of our best-selling Own Label wines, enticing Italians, gorgeous French rosé, and complex South African Chenin Blanc. It is a delicious combination perfect for summer. For each case that is sold, we will donate £10 back to the Trust. You can be confident that when you order this case, you’re not only supporting a great cause but will also enjoy the exceptional taste!

The Bumblebee 12 Bottle Mixed Case

The Bumblebee 12 Bottle Mixed Case

In partnership with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, we have created this special mixed case containing 12 organic and therefore bee-friendly wines. This selection includes some of our best-selling Own Label wines, enticing Italians, gorgeous French rosé, and complex South African Chenin Blanc. It is a delicious combination perfect for summer. For each case that is sold, we will donate £20 back to the Trust. You can be confident that when you order this case, you’re not only supporting a great cause but will also enjoy the exceptional taste!


The Bumblebee Conservation Trust was established in 2006 because of serious concerns about the ‘plight of the bumblebee’. Over the past century, bumblebee populations have crashed in the UK. Two species have become nationally extinct and several others have declined dramatically.

Bumblebees are familiar and much-loved insects that pollinate our crops and wildflowers, so people are rightly worried. The Trust has a vision to create a world where bumblebees are thriving and valued. A growing number of committed supporters are helping our staff make a big difference.

Corney and Barrow

Support our Work

Bumblebees are a critical part of the natural environment, therefore it is vital that we take action to help save these charming creatures from further population declines.

There are many ways to support our work including, becoming an individual member, making a one off donation to help save the sound of summer, associate your business with us by becoming a Business Member to support the work of the Trust, carrying out individual fundraising, or remembering us in your Will.

Corney and Barrow

Gardening for Bumblebees

Whether you have a window box, allotment or large garden, planting bee-friendly flowers can help boost your local bumblebee population. In return, they will dutifully pollinate our flowers, crops, fruits and vegetables. The best habitats for bumblebees are those that offer plenty of flowers to feed on during the entire active phase of the bees’ lifecycle (from March until October). This will ensure that there is a good supply of pollen at all of the crucial times.

Discover what you can plant for bumblebees each month using the Trust's Bee the Change planting guides. Simple and perfect for anyone new to gardening. Check out the other resources, including how to give bumblebees a home.

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